St Mary's Catholic Church

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry classes are for youth from 7th grade to 12th grade.

Welcome to St. Mary's Youth Ministry!

We meet the first and third Sunday of each month from 9:00 am to 10:15 am in the basement of church. 

See the calendar below for more details.

To register your child(ren), your family must be a member of our Parish.  Click here to become a member.

Registration forms for the current school year can be found above.  Please turn into Lynda Marshall, Director of Religious Education or the Church Office before the deadline.  If the deadline has passed, contact Lynda Marshall directly.

Youth Ministry Classes

St Mary’s Youth Ministry empowers young people to live as disciples of Christ in our world today and to foster their total personal and spiritual growth.


Students in 10th grade and above that meet requirements are eligible.  The Sacrament is offered every 2 years.  Meeting times will vary based on the liturgical calendar and can be found below. 

If your child is ready to start the Sacrament process, please contact Gigi DeSa, Director of Youth Ministry.

Mass Duties

The Mass is a liturgical celebration of words and actions that symbolize and represent meanings within the Catholic teachings and tradition.  The involvement of parents, teachers, friends, and community members in the liturgy provide a deeper sense of belonging, identity and perhaps security.  We welcome youth to participate in the Mass by Ushering, Cantering, and Lecturing.  If interested, please contact Gigi DeSa.


Our ministries focus on social justice. Catholic Social Justice teaches us that all people are made in the image of God and so possess an equal and inalienable worth. Because of this essential dignity, each person has a right to all that is needed to allow him or her to live their full potential as intended by God. We devote a lot of our time to the Shenandoah Food Pantry in their never ending efforts to assist those in need in our community.

NCYC, National Catholic Youth Conference

The National Catholic Youth Conference, frequently referred to as NCYC, is a three-day event for Roman Catholic youth. NCYC is held in U.S. cities every two years and organized in part by the host diocese of the city. The conference is organized by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry.

Mission Trips

We are in the process of planning the 2022 trip with Group Mission Trips!

Please click HERE to see their options and we’ll have more information coming soon!

Please click our Facebook link below to view the latest news about upcoming fundraising events, general information, and pictures of past events! 


St. Mary's Mass Schedule


Weekday Masses - 10:30 am

Monthly Third Thursday Mass at Accura Healthcare - 11:00 am

Saturday Mass - 4:30 pm

Sunday Masses - 6:30 am & 10:30 am

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