St Mary's Catholic Church

Religious Education

Religious Education classes are for youth from 4 years to 6th grade. 

Welcome to St. Mary's Religious Education!

 We meet every Sunday from 9:00 am to 10:15 am in the classrooms.  See the calendar above for more details.

See the calendar below for more details.

To register your child(ren), your family must be a member of our Parish.  Click here to become a member.

Registration forms for the current school year can be found above.  Please turn into Kim Leininger, Director of Religious Education or the Church Office before the deadline.  If the deadline has passed, contact Kim Leininger directly.

  • Pre-K and Kindergarten classes use the Allelu! curriculum through Our Sunday Visitor.

  • 1st grade through 6th grade classes use Alive in Christ curriculum also through Our Sunday Visitor.

Meet Our Teachers!

Maggie Troxel

Pre-K and Kindergarten

Ms. Maggie has been a catechetical teacher with us since 2011 and brings tons of enjoyment and fun in her classroom!  With songs, arts & crafts, and laughs happening in her classroom, the littles will surely learn how much Jesus loves us!

Tiffany Doyle
Tiffany Doyle

1st & 2nd Grade

This is Tiffany’s first year as a teacher. She enjoys teaching our young 1st graders foundational lessons. Incorporating arts & crafts with the curriculum as well as conversation and fun around the Bible and prayer! She truly enjoys 1st grade as there are so many new things for the kids to learn at this stage that she feels is the beginning of their education and by making it fun they are eager to understand!  

Linnea Shook

3rd & 4th Grade

This is Ms. Linnea’s second year teaching with us.  But, with her history of teaching music during the school year, most of the students came into her classroom already knowing her! She brings such valuable knowledge of our faith and she does a great job sharing her past experiences with the youth.  We can also find Ms. Linnea cantering during the weekend Masses!

Katherine Adkisson

5th & 6th Grade

Miss Katherine has been a catechetical teacher with us since 2016.  She started off her journey helping with our Youth Ministry group for 2 years then moved to our 2nd grade class and now is with our 5th and 6th graders.  With her love of children, she brings so much fun and enjoyment into her classroom!  

Gigi DeSa

7th Grade

Gigi came to us from California and began teaching 3rd and 4th grade here at St Mary’s in 2017. She transitioned to Youth Ministry in 2020. Gigi loves our youth and believes they will secure the future of our church.


“Lord, take me from myself and give me to yourself “ – St Catherine 

Reconciliation and First Holy Communion

We prepare for these Sacraments in January/February of each year, with lessons and retreats going till April of that same year.  First Holy Communion will be during the 10:30 Mass in late April or early May.  

Requirements to receive these sacraments include:

If your child is ready to start the Sacrament process, please contact Kim Leininger, DRE.

Altar Serving

The involvement of parents, teachers, friends, and community members in The Liturgy provides a deeper sense of belonging, identity, and perhaps security for your child.

In order to become an altar server, one must have completed the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.  

Various altar server trainings happen throughout the year, please contact Kim Leininger, DRE for more formation.  

Once your child has gone through a training, they will be added to the yearly schedule.  You can find the most current schedule at the top of this page.  By becoming an altar server, this is a commitment to serve on the altar when scheduled.  If your child cannot attend, they must find a substitute.


St. Mary's Mass Schedule


Weekday Masses - 10:30 am

Monthly Third Thursday Mass at Accura Healthcare - 11:00 am

Saturday Mass - 4:30 pm

Sunday Masses - 6:30 am & 10:30 am

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