St Mary's Catholic Church

Online Giving

" Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. "

2 Corinthians 9:7

Please click the image below to access online giving to St Mary’s Parish via the Catholic Foundation of SW Iowa.

A Secure & Convenient Way to Contribute to Your Parish

​Planned Giving

How can you make a major gift to an organization within the Diocese of Des Moines that you are passionate about? Remembering St Mary’s parish, a school, or other organization within the Diocese of Des Moines through a planned gift is as simple as a promise. Over the years, planned gifts have had a significant impact within the Diocese of Des Moines.

No fees today, no annual payments, just a simple promise.

If you are interested in making that promise, we are here to help. The Catholic Foundation of Southwest Iowa facilitates planned gifts to a parish, school or organization within the Diocese of Des Moines. We’d love to visit with you and help you understand just how easy making that promise can truly be.


St. Mary's Mass Schedule


Weekday Masses - 10:30 am

Monthly Third Thursday Mass at Accura Healthcare - 11:00 am

Saturday Mass - 4:30 pm

Sunday Masses - 6:30 am & 10:30 am

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