St Mary's Catholic Church




Dear Parents & Godparents,

St. Mary’s shares in your joy at the gift of new life from the Lord! We are delighted that you are planning to present your child for Christian baptism. This page outlines the procedure we follow in order to prepare for and celebrate the baptism of your child. This information is designed to assist you in the process of welcoming your child into the Catholic Faith.

At St. Mary’s, we believe that true conversion and growth happens best in the context of relationship, so we use a mentor model for Baptism preparation. By personally connecting you with a welcoming, faithful couple or individual from St. Mary’s, our hope is that you not only find information, but also friendship and a sense of belonging in our church community.

Keep reading to find more about how the process works. I think you’ll really love meeting your mentor! 

If you have any questions or concerns about the process of preparation or the celebration of the Sacrament, please don’t hesitate to contact me at any time at (712) 246-1718.
You can also download our Baptism Handbook/FAQs!

First Reconciliation & Confession

Pope Francis assures us, “Do not be afraid of confession.” Be sure to experience God’s mercy in this wonderful, healing sacrament.

First Reconciliation

First Reconciliation normally occurs during 2nd grade and involves preparation through our Family Faith Formation program.  For more information, or with questions, contact Lynda Marshall, DRE.  You can also visit our Religious Education page for more information.


St. Mary’s offers the Sacrament of Confession every Saturday from 3:30PM to 4:30PM in the Confessional. If this time does not work for you please call the Parish Office at 712-246-1718 to make an appointment.

Confession guides are available on the table at the right-hand side of the church, where the lines normally form.  Feel free to ask Father for assistance if you are unsure of how to begin your confession. He will be very kind to you.

First Communion

First Communion

First Holy Communion normally occurs during 2nd grade and involves preparation through our Family Faith Formation program. 

For more information, or with questions, contact Lynda Marshall, DRE.  You can also visit our Religious Education page for more information.

If you are an adult or older student desiring to receive Communion for the first time, please click below button to find out more about our RCIA program for adults!


What is Confirmation?

Confirmation is the sacrament by which Catholics receive a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Through Confirmation, the Holy Spirit gives them the increased ability to practice their Catholic faith in every aspect of their lives and to witness Christ in every situation. This sacrament quiet literally “confirms” the gifts and graces that we’ve received through baptism. 

Confirmation preparation is a two-year program starting in 9th grade and ending in 10th grade with Confirmation. During this time, students are invited to take ownership of their faith lives. An offsite retreat is a required part of the Confirmation preparation. The Confirmation Mass takes place with the bishop in the spring.

How do I register?

To register for Confirmation, contact Gigi DeSa, Director of Youth Ministry.

For adults seeking Confirmation, please click here or contact the parish office.




Congratulations on your engagement! We are so excited about helping you both prepare for a beautiful, lifelong marriage.

Marriage is the sacrament of life and love, so adequate preparation for this life-long commitment is essential. We are excited to walk with you during this process!

The Diocese of Des Moines requires an engaged couple to begin their preparation for marriage six months to a year prior to the marriage ceremony. At least one of the engaged couple or a family member(s) should be an active member(s) of St Mary’s Parish.

Marriage Preparation Process:

Looking for a reception venue? Click here to rent out our parish hall!

Those who are entering into a second or subsequent marriage as well as those who wish to have their civil marriage blessed or validated are to contact the pastor as these situations require special attention. If an annulment of a previous marriage is involved, a longer preparation time may be needed.  Please contact the parish office for more information.

Contact us at the Parish Office at (712)-246-1718 or via email at

Holy Orders

The privilege of serving God’s people as a priest, permanent deacon, religious sister or brother is personally fulfilling and spiritually exciting. Anyone who feels they might be interested in a religious vocation should speak to our Pastor.

Holy Orders

Anointing of the Sick

Anointing of the Sick

The Gospels relate many stories of the sick coming to Jesus for healing. Besides laying His hands on them in prayer, our Lord also made use of clay, spittle and water to impart healing power. On other occasions, the simple act of touching His garments brought health and wholeness. In the Sacrament of the anointing of the Sick, Christ continues His ministry of spiritual and physical healing.

When is it available?

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is available at anytime for the dying.

Fr. Tom can be contacted at the office at 712-246-1718.

Parishioners scheduled for serious surgery or with serious illness are asked to call the rectory during regular office hours to schedule a time for a visit.


St. Mary's Mass Schedule


Weekday Masses - 10:30 am

Monthly Third Thursday Mass at Accura Healthcare - 11:00 am

Saturday Mass - 4:30 pm

Sunday Masses - 6:30 am & 10:30 am

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