St Mary's Catholic Church

Lenten Mission of Hope


SAT. MARCH 8: Join at 4:10 pm in Shenandoah to hear Anna in Story & Song as she shares how Mother Mary has blessed her life. She will then Cantor for 4:30 Mass. In Hamburg at 6:30, there will be a special Holy Hour of Adoration & Music by Anna and Confession available with Fr. Tom.

SUN. MARCH 9: Join us at 10:10 am in Shenandoah to hear Anna in Story & Song before Cantoring for the 10:30 Mass.

MON. MARCH 10: At 5 pm, join Fr. Edward, Fr. Tom & Anna in Shenandoah for a Soup Supper, 6 pm Talk by Fr. Edward & another Holy Hour at 7 pm.

Meet & Greet to follow on Sat. & Mon. Nights!

Call Office at 712-246-1718 or see for details.
512 W Tomas Ave. Shenandoah AND 1306 Washington St. Hamburg.


St. Mary's Mass Schedule


Weekday Masses - 10:30 am

Monthly Third Thursday Mass at Accura Healthcare - 11:00 am

Saturday Mass - 4:30 pm

Sunday Masses - 6:30 am & 10:30 am

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